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Green Clean: The Top Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning Techniques for 2023


In an era where environmental consciousness is not just a trend but a necessity, eco-friendly carpet cleaning has emerged as a crucial aspect of sustainable living. With a significant increase in awareness about the environmental and health impacts of traditional cleaning methods, more households are turning towards greener alternatives. This shift is not just about adopting a new cleaning approach; it’s about embracing a lifestyle that respects and protects our planet. This article aims to explore the top eco-friendly carpet cleaning techniques of 2023, offering insights into their benefits, applications, and the overall impact they have on our environment and well-being.

The Evolution of Carpet Cleaning

The journey of carpet cleaning from simple, manual methods to advanced chemical treatments reflects significant changes in both technology and environmental awareness. Initially, carpet care involved basic techniques like beating rugs outdoors to remove dust. As technological advancements progressed, the development of vacuum cleaners and other equipment made cleaning more efficient. However, a major shift occurred with the introduction of chemical solutions for deep cleaning.

In the mid-20th century, the carpet cleaning industry started relying heavily on synthetic chemicals, which, while effective, often posed risks to both the environment and human health. Key chemicals used included:

Perchloroethylene (Perc):

A powerful solvent used in dry cleaning, Perc is effective against stubborn stains but has been flagged as a potential health hazard, causing dizziness and nausea.


Derived from coal tar, this chemical was employed for its solvent properties but raised concerns due to its carcinogenic potential and respiratory health risks.

Butyloxy Ethanol:

Found in many carpet cleaning formulas, it can penetrate the skin, impacting the liver and kidneys, and cause eye and respiratory irritations.

Highly Alkaline Solutions:

Some carpet cleaners contain highly alkaline substances. While these solutions could effectively break down organic matter and grease, they could also damage carpet fibers and leave harmful residues. Excessive alkalinity could also lead to skin irritations and other health concerns.

Strong Acids:

Certain stain removal processes involved acidic chemicals. While effective in removing certain types of stains, these acids could corrode carpet fibers and pose safety risks, including skin burns and respiratory issues.

Ammonia and Chlorine:

Known for their strong cleaning power, these substances could cause significant irritation to eyes, skin, and the respiratory system. Mixing chlorine with other cleaning agents could even produce dangerous gases.

The environmental impact of these chemicals was considerable. The runoff could contribute to water pollution, and their production and disposal added to the environmental burden. This growing awareness of the health and environmental risks led to a shift towards safer, more sustainable cleaning practices.

Now, the carpet cleaning industry is increasingly embracing eco-friendly methods, using biodegradable, non-toxic products, and focusing on conserving resources. This shift is not just about adopting greener cleaning techniques; it’s part of a larger movement towards environmental responsibility and sustainable living.

Understanding Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning

Eco-friendly carpet cleaning represents a shift towards more environmentally conscious and health-focused methods, moving away from traditional approaches that rely on harsh chemicals and excessive water usage. This green approach centers on reducing the ecological footprint of carpet cleaning through sustainable practices and products, including the use of advanced equipment like high-efficiency truckmount machines.

Integration of High-Efficiency Truckmount Machines:

In 2023, the carpet cleaning industry has seen significant strides in the efficiency of truckmount machines. These advanced systems, designed for professional use, offer a combination of power and eco-efficiency.

Truckmount machines have become more fuel-efficient and emit fewer pollutants, making them an environmentally friendly option for deep carpet cleaning. Their high suction power allows for more effective water extraction, which not only enhances the drying process but also reduces the overall water usage – a critical aspect of eco-friendly practices.

Modern Techniques and Innovations:

Advanced Water Conservation Methods:

Modern carpet cleaning techniques now incorporate methods that significantly reduce water consumption. Innovations in steam cleaning technologies and low-moisture systems are examples of this advancement. These methods effectively clean carpets while using a fraction of the water typically required in traditional cleaning.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions:

The development of greener cleaning agents has been a focal point in 2023. These solutions are derived from natural, non-toxic ingredients and are often plant-based, ensuring they are biodegradable and safe for the environment.

Enhanced Indoor Air Quality:

Modern eco-friendly carpet cleaning techniques contribute to healthier indoor air quality. By avoiding volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in many conventional cleaning agents, these methods prevent the release of harmful toxins into the air, creating a safer environment for occupants, particularly those with allergies or respiratory issues.

Better Homes & Gardens: https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/house-cleaning/tips/eco-friendly-cleaning-ideas/

Health and Environmental Benefits:

Reduced Exposure to Chemicals:

Eco-friendly cleaning minimizes contact with harmful chemicals, thereby decreasing health risks such as skin irritation and respiratory problems.

Protection of Water Resources:

The use of high-efficiency truckmount machines and water-conserving methods reduces water usage and chemical runoff, safeguarding water bodies and aquatic life.

Improved Air Quality:

With the absence of harsh chemicals, there is a notable improvement in indoor air quality, making homes safer, especially for children, pets, and people with health sensitivities.

Industry Example:

In 2023, companies like AJS Carpet Cleaning, Inc. have embraced these modern techniques, utilizing high efficiency truckmount systems along with organic cleaning solutions. This approach has not only enhanced cleaning effectiveness but also aligned with environmental sustainability goals.

By adopting eco-friendly carpet cleaning methods, including the use of high-efficiency equipment and modern techniques, the cleaning industry is playing a pivotal role in promoting a healthier, more sustainable world. These methods are a testament to the industry’s commitment to innovation and ecological responsibility, ensuring clean and fresh carpets without compromising the planet’s health.

Top Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning Techniques for 2023

Biodegradable and Non-Toxic Cleaning Agents

In 2023, there’s a significant shift towards biodegradable and non-toxic agents in carpet cleaning. These products, made from natural ingredients like citrus extracts, plant-based detergents, and essential oils, provide effective cleaning without leaving harmful residues.

Unlike conventional cleaners, which can contain phosphates, perfumes, and VOCs, these agents ensure that your carpet remains safe for children and pets while minimizing environmental pollution. Companies like AJS Carpet Cleaning have led the market with their range of plant-based carpet cleaners, which are not only effective but also leave a minimal carbon footprint.

Steam Cleaning: A Chemical-Free Technique

Steam cleaning, also known as hot water extraction, has gained popularity for its chemical-free approach. Utilizing high-temperature steam, this method effectively lifts dirt, bacteria, and allergens from carpet fibers. The process involves injecting hot steam into the carpet and then extracting it along with the dislodged dirt.

This technique is particularly beneficial for allergy sufferers as it does not involve any chemicals and can kill dust mites and bacteria effectively. Studies have shown that steam cleaning can remove up to 90% of bacteria and allergens from carpets.

Dry Carpet Cleaning with Eco-Friendly Compounds

The dry carpet cleaning method uses specialized, eco-friendly compounds that require minimal water, making it an ideal choice in water-scarce regions. These compounds, often made from biodegradable materials, are spread over the carpet and then worked into the fibers using a motorized brush. The compounds absorb the dirt, which is then vacuumed away.

This method is not only water-efficient but also reduces the drying time significantly, making it convenient for busy households. Leaders in this technology, claim that their method uses 90% less water than traditional steam cleaning.

Homemade Natural Carpet Cleaners

2023 has also seen a rise in the use of homemade natural carpet cleaners, as more people embrace DIY methods for a greener lifestyle. Common ingredients include baking soda, which is excellent for odor removal, vinegar for its disinfectant properties, and essential oils for a pleasant fragrance.

Experience has shown that a mixture of vinegar and baking soda can effectively clean carpets while being safe for the environment. These homemade solutions are not only cost-effective but also reduce the number of chemicals introduced into the home.

New York Magazine: The 12 Best Natural Cleaning Products: 

Latest Innovations in Green Carpet Cleaning Technology

Technological advancements have introduced more sophisticated, eco-friendly cleaning machines and products. These innovations include carpet cleaning machines with better water efficiency and more effective extraction capabilities, ensuring deeper cleaning with less environmental impact.

Industry leaders are developing biodegradable cleaning pads and recyclable carpet cleaning tools, which align with the principles of a circular economy.

Professional Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning Services

When considering eco-friendly carpet cleaning, professional services offer a valuable solution. These services often employ advanced green cleaning techniques and equipment that may not be readily available for DIY enthusiasts.

Choosing a Green Carpet Cleaning Service

Selecting the right service involves checking for certifications in sustainable practices. Look for companies that use biodegradable, non-toxic cleaning agents and have a proven track record in eco-friendly methods.

Certifications and Standards for Eco-Friendly Cleaning

Certifications are key indicators of a company’s commitment to green cleaning. They ensure adherence to environmental standards and the use of sustainable products.

Benefits of Hiring Professional Green Carpet Cleaners

Professional eco-friendly services ensure thorough cleaning without the risks associated with chemical cleaners. They are particularly beneficial for households with allergies or sensitivities, offering a clean environment without compromising health.

DIY vs. Professional: Making the Right Choice for Your Home

Deciding between DIY and professional carpet cleaning can depend on various factors.

When to Choose DIY Methods

DIY eco-friendly carpet cleaning is ideal for regular maintenance or small stains. Using natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, or eco-friendly store-bought solutions can be effective for routine cleaning.

Scenarios Best Handled by Professionals

For deep cleaning, severe stains, or large carpeted areas, professional services are more suitable. They have the expertise and equipment to handle more challenging tasks.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Both Approaches

While DIY can be more cost-effective, professional cleaning, though pricier, offers a deeper, more sustainable clean. Weighing the long-term benefits against the costs can help in making an informed decision.

Maintaining Your Carpet After an Eco-Friendly Clean

Proper maintenance post-cleaning is crucial to prolonging the life and appearance of your carpet.

Daily Maintenance and Eco-Friendly Practices

Regular vacuuming, immediate stain treatment, and avoiding harsh chemicals are key. Opt for natural spot cleaning methods to maintain the carpet’s condition.

Tips for Preventing Stains and Prolonging Cleanliness

Placing mats at entrances, regular dusting, and immediate attention to spills can prevent stains. Additionally, using furniture coasters can help in avoiding indentations on your carpet.

Regular Professional Cleaning: How Often and Why?

Experts recommend professional eco-friendly carpet cleaning at least once a year. This not only maintains the carpet’s aesthetic but also ensures a healthy indoor environment.

The Future of Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning

The eco-friendly carpet cleaning industry is poised for growth and innovation.

Emerging Trends and Technologies

New advancements include the development of more potent, environmentally safe cleaning agents and technologies that offer deeper cleaning with reduced water and energy consumption.

The Role of Sustainability in Future Cleaning Practices

Sustainability is becoming a core principle in the cleaning industry. Future practices are likely to focus on minimizing environmental impact while maintaining high cleaning standards.

Predictions and Future Developments in Green Cleaning

The integration of green technology in carpet cleaning, like advanced water recycling systems and biodegradable detergents, is expected to rise. Moreover, there is a growing trend towards personalizing eco-friendly cleaning solutions to meet specific household needs.


Embracing eco-friendly carpet cleaning techniques is more than a trend; it’s a commitment to a sustainable and healthier way of living. Whether opting for DIY methods or professional services, the shift towards green cleaning practices plays a crucial role in environmental conservation.

By understanding and implementing these techniques, we contribute to a cleaner, safer environment for ourselves and future generations.

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Victor Nugent is Owner and President of AJS Carpet Cleaning, Inc. He is a Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany graduate of the University of London, U.C.W.I.,  with over 20 years experience in the Carpet Cleaning business. For more information call 801 368-0705 or visit our website at AJS Carpet Cleaning Orem, UT.
