No one knows for sure what is the cause for the rise in bed bug infestations. They have been around for ages, but they were almost totally eradicated in the United States since the early part of the last century. The current resurgence is believed to be due to one or more of the following factors.
- Increase in international travel
- Lack of knowledge about the nature and character of bed bugs
- Lack of knowledge about how to control or kill them
- Resistance of these pests to modern pesticides, subsequent to the ban on DDT
While these creatures do not of themselves transmit communicable diseases, they are an odious nuisance and can cause considerable distress, through their painful blood sucking bites. Bed bugs that typically feed on humans are small oval-shaped creatures with a flattened profile and usually a brown coloration.
Their color turns to bright red after a blood meal. They are nocturnal in habit and very reclusive. Because of their size and shape they can easily hide in cracks, creases or crevices anywhere in the home. The primary hiding place is on mattresses or couches, but they may also be found along the edges of carpeting, in closets and drawers, or on drapery.
They may be detected by the reddish-brown blood spots that they always leave or by the characteristic pungent odor they emanate. These pests in the adult stage can live without feeding for several months, but they must ingest blood before mating, laying eggs, or between each of the five pupal stages of their life cycle.
While they cannot fly, they can travel for up to 60 feet in search of a blood meal or a hiding place. They are attracted to any warm-blooded mammal by CO2 emissions, body heat, or movement. They can be killed by extreme cold, temperatures above 118 degrees F, or approved pesticides.
Due to the extensive diversity of possible hiding places in and around buildings, bed bugs are extremely difficult to eliminate entirely. A competent pest control company that is approved by the USDA, should always be consulted.
Carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning is an essential part of the control measures to be applied, because bed bugs will always be found in the crevices along the edges of carpeting, particularly near to beds and couches.
Professional carpet cleaning companies will use a truck-mounted steam cleaning system that can generate temperatures in excess of 250 degrees F at the machine. Even with extremely high temperature gradients, the cleaning solutions will be hot enough when it reaches the carpet, to hill any of these pests on contact.
The same applies to upholstered furniture, draperies or mattresses. Remember to inspect all used furniture you acquire, for bed bug infestation, and have them thoroughly cleaned by a professional carpet cleaning company, before taking them into your home.