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Removing Alcohol Stains from Upholstery in Heber City Utah

How do you get stains out of upholstery?

For the best professional carpet cleaning or upholstery cleaning in Heber City 84032, call AJS Carpet Cleaning Heber at 801 368-0705 today.

AJS Carpet Cleaning is known as “The Stain Eliminator”. We will get rid of your most stubborn non-permanent stains. Guaranteed. 100% Money Back!

During the holiday season, it is time to think about the parties to be planned. With many office parties, there is a chance that alcohol may be flowing. It is important to plan ahead for any spills that may take place. Removing alcohol stains, mainly beer and wine stains from upholstery is not difficult, but it helps to be prepared.

Cleaning Tips

For wine and beer stains, the most important thing is to try to absorb as much as possible as soon as it happens. Use a white towel or heavy-duty paper towels to soak up the liquid. Apply gentle pressure to the area to remove the moisture. However, it is important that you do not rub the area or apply force as this will only cause the alcohol stains to be pushed further into the fabric and possibly into the upholstery.

Cleaning Agents

The next step is to choose the right spot remover to clean the alcohol stain. You should always keep some on hand in the event of a spill. Spills that are cleaned up promptly are more easily removed than those that are left to dry. There are many commercially available spot cleaners that will work well to clean beer and wine stains, and any other type of spilled alcoholic liquid. 

Whenever possible, use the kind of spot cleaner that is recommended by the furniture manufacturer. For a mild homemade spot cleaner, you can mix one cup of water with one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and one teaspoon of white vinegar. The white vinegar will help to remove the odor of the alcohol. Another thing that works great to remove wine and beer stains is club soda.

Cleaning Tips

After you apply the cleaning solution of your choice, it is important to allow it to sit for several minutes. Blot with a clean cloth until the stain disappears. Rinse the area by blotting with clear water. Be sure to remove all cleaning agent from the furniture. 

This step is crucial, as residual cleaners are one of the leading causes of recurring stains. After this, you will want to dry the area. Upholstery that is wet for too long has the potential to grow mold. Blot the wet area with a dry white towel. You can also use fans or air conditioning to speed the drying time.

Professional Cleaning

For the best results, contact a professional upholstery cleaner. The technician can consult with you regarding the severity of the beer and wine stains. A professional has the right tools and equipment to handle even difficult upholstery stains, like those caused by beer or wine.


Victor Nugent

Owner and President of AJS Carpet Cleaning, Inc. with over 20 years experience in the Carpet Cleaning business

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